There are 3 weeks left of school for the boys... that means 3 weeks left of life as I know it... 3 weeks until our homeschooling adventure begins! I am planning to start a modified school day routine for the summer just to get the kids used to "doing school at home" before we start in earnest in September. I am looking forward to filling our days with some fun activities, lots of swimming and some academics... to reinforce what they learned this year, and prepare them for the new material that we will cover. SOOOO... I have a lot to do to get organized. The school room is coming together, my supply box is getting fuller, my brain is swirling with tons of ideas I have been picking up on numerous blogs. I am getting EXCITED!! BUT I am getting nervous as well... I have so many things I keep asking myself like "HOW in the world am I going to get everything done? am I going to remember everything?" I have never been a terribly organised person... I write lists then lose the paper, I start a planner and abandon it a few months (or weeks... okay days later), I can never seem to get the hang of using a planner.. and I have tried them all... pda, Franklin planner, google calendar, mom agenda... my most successful attempt is the wall calendar I have hanging on the wall in the kitchen and I have done a fairly good job at keeping up with that. Anyway, today I was reading this blog and came across the concept of a daily docket... which looks like it just may work for me. I created my own docket based on the one Carisa designed... it is a work in progress but I TACKLED it! I also created a menu planning page and a grocery list as well (I usually scramble around 10 minutes before I have to go to the store to pull some sort of list together and then have to go back to the store 10 times before the next shopping day). Here they are... NOW i just have to use them! I'll report back soon on how they are working for me.

click on image to download