As I was gearing up for the first week of school I couldn't imagine how I would care for a newborn as well as meet the needs of a 3 year old, 5 year old and 6 year old. I knew that others before me have done it and many are in the same shoes right now so I trusted God that he would help me accomplish it all! I didn't know how it would look in reality but I put together a schedule based on best case scenario and figured I would tweak as necesssary as we go along. The key word in all of this is F L E X I B I L I T Y!
I am happy to report that the first week went by with flying colours! Sure there were moments that I became overwhelmed but all in all we had a great week. It was a four day week because of Labour Day so that made it a little easier. Marcus napped each morning for about 4 hours which is all we really needed get school work done. There were some things I worked on with Micaiah in the afternoon but Marcus was content to sit in my lap or in his bouncer.
We made some changes to our work box system which will make life easier for me and help the kids stay focused. We actually redesigned the classroom so that each child has their workboxes next to their workspace. (previously all the workboxes were lined up against one wall.
This way also allows space for Eden to have her own workspace for tot school.
I also abandoned the use of schedule strips and cards for Micaiah and instead I print off his Google calendar each day and put it up on the wall above his workspace. I will continue to use schedule strips for Eli and Eden but a much more condensed strip than we were doing last year. Eden feels like she is apart of school now that she has her own numbered workboxes!
I mentioned on the day before school started that we should give our school a name and after a couple far out names, Micaiah came up with "Best of all Academy." When I asked him why he chose that name he said because our school is the best school of all!! How's that for a boost of confidence! As I thought about it it is a fitting name for a number of reasons:
- We decided to homeschool so that we could teach our kids how to live the best life God has planned for them.
- We should all work hard to be the best we can be.
- And as Micaiah stated it is the best school of all- sure we are a little biased!
It was a go.. that would be the name! Once we had decided that the Lord placed Colossians 3:23 in my heart:
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.
A little poem I learned when I was in primary school also came to mind:
Good, better, best
Let us never rest
Until or good is better
And our better is best.
We have now incorporated reciting these two things into our morning routine.
(more about our morning routine in a later post).
So what are we doing all day at the Best of all Academy? Stay tuned for more about our curriculum choices for the boys, Tot School for Eden and our Morning Board.
Until then, take care and be the best you can be!