Summer is here and I am struggling to find one on one time with Buttercup. I started doing Tot School with her a few months ago while the boys were in school with the intention of establishing a routine with her that we could continue once I started homeschooling the boys. I didn't want to leave her to play all day with out some focused time with me. I know it will be easy to put a dvd on for her and that's something I don't want to resort to on a regular basis. Tot school is not really school, it is just focused play...We have had a blast exploring new activities.. most of my ideas I have found around the internet...I set out trays with different activities and she chooses which she wants to do and for how long. I usually let her do things on her own while I watch, but sometimes I will demonstrate and let her copy me. Sometimes she plays with something completely unlike I expected she would but is fun to watch her learn and try new things. Here are some of our favourites so far:

(LiLi joined us one day!)
My aim over the summer is to try and have tot school at least twice a week with Buttercup.. no pressure, but just so she stays in the routine. I am making a list of skills I want to cover with her and looking for things around the house and at the dollar store to help reinforce those skills. Once we begin our homeschool schedule I think {hope} we will be able to work tot school into our day.
For other tot school ideas see 1+1+1=1 !