We have had an interesting 3 weeks to say the least. JDF had a successful mission to Haiti with a group from our church. Many people asked how I felt about him going... homeschooling 3, pregnant with the fourth... I can understand the concern, but when I thought about how blessed I am and how much we have, I could not imagine him not going to help people who have little to no hope, who don't know where their next meal was coming from, who had seen loss beyond measure, and most of all who need to know the love of Christ. I was tremendously blessed by my parents and inlaws, and many friends that helped me out over the 9 days he was away. I missed him like crazy as did the kids but the experience is one I would not trade.
Our schedule for the week JDF left, the week he was away and this week following his return has been all over the place. That coupled with me being sick for a few days this week has made for a sporadic school experience for the kids. We are all looking to get back to some sense of normal on Monday morning. Having said that, though formal "school" hours were limited, life learning was taking place and that I am pleased about! Daddy being in Haiti brought the urgency of the tragedy to light for them... they prayed constantly for his safety as well as the wellbeing of the Haitian people. It warmed my heart to hear their prayers, knowing that God was hearing every word as well.
I was considering posting our activities from the last month is separate posts but I'm not :) Sorry you have to put up with one long post of some of the things we did... my brain is too cluttered to try and organize my thoughts that well!!
Letter Q
made rainbows using this tutorial ...
made rainbow rice (we talked about mixing colours to make new colours)...
Tot School (Princess Buttercup)
more sorting...
Buttercup has taken an interest in the tangram set...
fine motor... putting spagetti in a shredded cheese container.
Preschool Corner (LiLi)It's All Elementary (KaiKai)
Life School
The kids spent sometime with Grandpa working in his garden. The harvested carrots, beets and bananas, and planted corn (can't wait till that's ready:)

So beautiful activities!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I just have to say, your kids are so cute! I love that first photo!!!