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Monday, January 16, 2012

Three Words

I heard three words at church yesterday that both convicted and inspired me.

They were not spoken in the sermon...

They were not sung in any of the hymns or special music...

They were said to me as I was leaving the sanctuary at the end of the service.

Amongst the goodbyes, nice to see you's, and the have a good week's that were being said as the congregation spilled into the hallway, one lady said to me,

"Enjoy your kids!"

She wouldn't know how much I needed to hear those three words. 

 Last week was a tough week.    Most of the week I honestly did not enjoy them.  I couldn't wait for bedtime or for Joe to come home to "rescue" me.

But it is that simple.. I need to make the decision to enjoy them.

And that is what I intend to do.

Have a great week... and if you have kids, ENJOY THEM!

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