Sometimes it's because they haven't listened carefully to the instructions.
Sometimes it's because they would rather be doing something else and have a bad attitude...
BUT sometimes it is because I have given poor instructions for successfully completing the task.
As I read through Leviticus, Numbers and part of Deuteronomy this week, it struck me that the Israelites could never use this last reason as an excuse. God is a God of detail and order. His instructions are clear, leaving no room for error if followed carefully.
I completed the second week of reading the Bible in 90 days. There were a few days I thought I wasn't going to make it... getting through Leviticus was tough!! I find on the days I don't get up and complete the reading first thing in the morning, it gets harder and harder during the day to fit it in, so my aim this coming week is to get up when my alarm goes instead of trying to get in a few extra minutes...which usually turn into 30 extra minutes!
Before I sign off I want to leave with one additional thought/ observation that I jotted down this week.
In Numbers chapter 21 vs 6-9, The Israelites grumbled against the Lord (again). God sent poisonous snakes which bit and killed many of them. They quickly realized their sin and asked God to remove the snakes.
What was Gods answer? Did he remove the snakes?
God told them to make a snake of bronze and put it on a pole. Whenever the people were bitten, they could look at this snake and live.
So, evidently, God did not remove the snakes but he gave them a way to survive if bitten.
Yes, their sin was forgiven, but there were painful consequences for their disobedience.
A good lesson for us. Jesus paid the price for our sins. We can look to him and live... but if we make bad choices, there may still be painful consequences. We need to follow God's instructions. The path He has for our lives- without grumbling and complaining.
He knows what is best for us and wants to bless us!

Love it! That was similar to one of my thoughts. God always gave a way back to Him after their sin. :) He wants us to be right with Him!