I had never heard of AIMS until I was asked to review one of their activity books. We were sent a downloadable e-book called Getting into Geometry. It is basically a teacher's guide to over 40 activities to help students learn basic Geometry. Some of the topics covered are 2-D shapes, 3-D solids, symmetry, and spatial relationships. The e-book included all of the printables necessary to do the activities. In addition to the printables, other items needed all seemed easy enough to find around the house (drinking straws, scarves, chalk, pipe cleaners).

fun with chalk shapes on the driveway |
making shapes with clay and straws |
Each lesson is laid out similarly in the book. It describes the topic covered, a key question, the learning goal, materials needed, the procedure and questions to guide learning. The material is definitely written to be used in a classroom but most of the activities can be adjusted very easily to be used at home with one or two kids.
The activities in Getting into Geometry are great for kinesthetic learners, engaging both gross and fine motor skills. The activities are short and precise, easy to do and don't require a lot of prep.
The company also have many other math and science activity books for all levels between K and grade 9 covering topics such as:
Addition and Subtraction
Earth Science
Problem Solving
...and lots more!!
The books are available as bound books or downloadable e-books and cost around $20 to $25 dollars for either version. The bound books come with a CD containing all of the printables needed for the activities. The company also sells math manipulatives and lab kits for one stop shopping!
We will definitely continue to use Getting into Geometry and I have also started looking at several of the other titles which look like they would be a good fit for us. Go over and take a look and see if you can find something for your kids! You can also check out some other reviews over at The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew.
*Disclaimer -As a member of TOS Homeschool Crew (Review Team) I was provided one downloadable e-book for the purpose of this review. I was required to provide my honest, (positive or otherwise) opinion in exchange for this book.

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