Eden has started preschool and is loving it! We will be using the Raising Rock Stars Preschool (RRSP)material as a base this year and adding preschool packs, lots of hands on activities and free play.
Before starting with our RRSP program, I decided we should start the year with an All About Me theme. Here's some highlights:
Our verse for the week was Psalm 139:14 "I Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I printed the verse and let Eden put her fingerprints all around it. We talked about how God made each one of us special and unique.
One day we talked all about her name. It's meaning, how to spell her first, middle and last name. We read a custom made book that she was given for Christmas one year called My Very Own Name from a company called i see me inc. (Thanks Auntie Robyn :)
Another day we talked about her age and her birthday. She glued candles on a cake to represent her age. I also put together an activity using our count down cake. I put 11 blocks numbered 0-10 in a gift bag. She reached in and pulled out a "present" and then put the corresponding number of candles on the cake.
On the day we talked about our family we used the cutouts from our All About me sensory tub. Eden had to put the family members in size order and then match the name cards with the person. She loved playing with the cutouts and did so several times during the week.
Another day we talked about body parts and continued our discussion about how God made us special. I traced Eden's outline on a huge sheet of newsprint and let her colour it however she liked. (the first thing she did was give herself nail polish... truly a girly girl but I have no idea where she gets that from!) We labeled the body parts when she was done and then hung it up on the wall. (Unfortunately Marcus thought it was there for him to pull down and tear apart!)
In addition we did some painting, played with playdough, had lots of fun with the boys and Eden attended her first ballet class!
It was a great start to our preschool year!
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Linking up to Preschool Corner @ Homeschool Creations |
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